Saturday, October 01, 2005


A list of answers provided by codefetch to questions asked in user forums

See a question answered by Codefetch? Please add a comment!

I did a codefetch search for image thumbnail and found this example of uploading images and creating thumbnails from the book Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development. The text is hot-linked to PHP documentation so you can click on PHP commands in the code to see the syntax. See for example how they use imagejpeg.

A codefetch search for connect form database select found this short but complete example to display a form and retrieve database results based on it from the book Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL: From Novice to Professional.

You are getting the string null because you have quotes around '$common', '$rares', and '$epics'. Change your if then clauses to include quotes only if you are inserting a non-null text value. A quick codefetch search for sql insert null shows that NULL (without quotes) is a valid SQL insert value, at least for mySQL.

Macromedia ColdFusion Forums
A Codefetch query for cfchart source code examples found this example of using cfloop to pre-fill a query to display custom data with cfchart from the book Reality ColdFusion: Intranets and Content Management

This query for "jtree file" found this code example of how to display a file system in a JTree view from the book Java Cookbook

codefetch search for game scale image buffer found this example 2D image scaling for games from the book Killer Game Programming in Java

The codefetch query sql list indexes brings up this example code for printing a list of indexes of a table in a database from the book Java Enterprise in a Nutshell

Since no one else has replied I'll give it a shot. This codefetch search for login screen yielded this login screen source code example from the book Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition

A little codefetch search for DocumentBuilderFactory found this DocumentBuilderFactory source code example from the book Java in a Nutshell, 5th Edition

A quick Codefetch search for "files directory" found this source code example listing files in a directory from the book Learning Java

You could also use javascript on the client. This simple codefetch query for "list up down" found this list box shift up/down code example from the book Professional JavaScript for Web Developers

This codefetch query for "xml dom" found this simple dom xml parsing example from the book Learning Java

This codefetch search for "parse xml" brought up this 16 line xml parsing example from the book JSTL in Action

How to get a list of the files in a jar or zip file

Unzip, list and expand files in a zip file


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