Monday, September 05, 2005

New Feature: Popular

Inspired by Google Zeitgeist, we've added the Popular page where you can see for what people are searching and in what languages.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Matthew Haughey on
codefetch{ awesome new service that searches all code samples from books on programming languages.

Immediately bookmark this website: codefetch-{. So freaking cool: it searches code samples from programming books! And shows you the results! And this makes me immensely immensely happy

Pete Freitag
CodeFetch is a clever little app...

^Lestat at
I rencently found a neat site that searches for code snippets published in books. codefetch { lists 19 different programming languages to choose from. The first querry I ran for a php script was fast, and returned many results... I think it’s great!

Paul Johnson
codefetch{ is a brilliant source of Code in any programming language (including coldfusion). It is a great resource for any coder needing to dabble in other programming languages.

Steve Stedman
Codefetch is still very new, but useful results are obtainable surprisingly fast

Bill Covert
This is a very nifty tool. Thanks...

Here's a very cool site for you to check out. give it a try!

Nat of O'Reilly Radar (posting no longer extant)
codefetch · Clever! They index code snippets from books whose code tarballs
are available on the net..

Jake Sutton
codefetch{ very cool

Raymond Brigleb
There is a very clever service now available for programmers called Codefetch...No ads or anything, just great search results for programmers.

Oskar Austegard
Bad logo, good code search site: codefetch{

Dalibor Dvorski
This has to be the coolest thing I’ve seen since Google first came on the web – of course for programmers. Codefetch allows you to search for code snippets...

Scott Walters author of Perl 6 Now searches examples from piles of Perl books, including Perl 6 Now! Try for example'm still grooving on how neat this is.

a great online utility.... Keep up the good work.

forceboy - coolest sample code repository ever.

de:bug blog (babelfished from German)
Will unite from you perhaps esoterisch to occur, but I finds greatly, above all if one introduces oneself, how much one could still expand... Thus applause for Codefetch{. (from Italian) is a search engine dedicated to the world of the programming. Its specialty is indexing the specific elements of sources analyzing them as actual code and not like simple text keywords. a useful instrument for finding resources and useful material for programmatori.